You Would Think...

Thursday, December 31, 2009 Edit This 0 Comments »
You would think as a writer I would be better at this whole blogging thing, but I can hardly manage to write more than once a week, let alone keep a journal. The only time I was ever successful with that was when I was in Italy...and even that was a struggle. I guess I'm just better at keeping my thoughts in my head. Ha ha.

I had a fabulous semester, so I really can't complain. I managed to kick some butt in all of my classes and earned my highest GPA to date...which means for once in my college career I got all A's. *Pats herself on the back* Me? Vain? Never! Ha ha. I'm really not a vain person...but I am really proud of myself.

I also hit the halfway--well, almost halfway point of my novel. And I am proud of that too...I can't wait to write the last sentence on that last page. I think that will be the greatest feeling ever. I'll let ya know.

I can't believe that it is New Year's Eve already. This year went by way too fast and I'm still trying to figure out what comes next for me. I'm going to try to get into a Transition to Teaching program and if not I think I'm going to work as a sub for a year before I try again. I've thought about counseling too. I think I would be good at it too. I just don't know. I'm in totally new territory...again...and I'm coming into the worst job market ever...lucky me. But I'm sure God has a plan, as he always does, and it'll work out. I just have to worry a bunch until then.

So, as always I am going to make a few resolutions for the year. And as always I am going to assume that I probably won't follow through with them, but it's almost a new year so maybe that will change.

Resolution 1:
Lose weight. Get my butt moving. It's time to get healthy. For me. I want to be healthier and happier.

Resolution 2:
Finish my novel. That's right, I'm going to finish the darn thing if it kills me. I want to finish it so I can do the revisions and send it out into the world to (hopefully) get published. The whole published part will probably take more than just this next year, but it's something to work for.

Resolution 3:
Meet my friend Garrett. He lives in CA, and we met randomly and talk a lot via messenger. He's a great friend and I think it'd be cool to actually meet in person.

So there you have it. And now it's out there for people to see so I have to do it. Maybe I should blog about it all. Ha ha. Yeah right. I'd never actually keep up with it...but hey, it's fun to talk about.

*Miss Desi*

Listening to: "Martyr's Song" Todd Agnew
Mood: Hopeful

Busy Summer

Tuesday, June 23, 2009 Edit This 0 Comments »
It's been a long time since I posted anything here. But this summer has been more than a little busy. My mom is now officially engaged to my "Almost" Dad. I got him a card for Father's Day. It's the first Father's Day card I have bought since before my dad was arrested. It was pretty cool.

I also finally found a second summer job. I am baby-sitting in the mornings for a little guy named Ben...well, I don't know that he's that little, he's six. But I still consider that little. But anyway, we go to the library for the summer reading program and do little craft projects. Last week we painted rocks! In the afternoons and on Saturdays I am working at a paint-your-own-pottery studio called Pottery Schmottery. I am still in training but I really enjoy it so far.

Let's see what else am I working on right now? Lots of school stuff in preparation for my senior year. I am a Writing Apprentice, Teaching Assistant and I am also working on my senior writing project, or should be...I haven't gotten much done yet but I am hoping to have a little more time once I get my schedule balanced. I am also trying to lose some weight, but that isn't easy...I am having trouble making time to exercise, but I will work it into my schedule!

Cody and I have been bickering back and forth a little more that is probably good as well, but I'm sure we will work it out. I get frustrated with him a lot because he still talks with the girl he dated before me. They were quite serious and before we ever dated he used to talk to me about marrying her. So naturally, now that we are together I would rather he not talk to her as much as he does. When we first started dating I told him I didn't want them talking and he tried to tell her that but it wasn't working so I got involved, of course it worked for a little while but only because I kept telling her to buzz off, then I got tired of all the drama and let it go, and now she's told him we should take a break and wants him to help her move. I don't really know how to tell him I don't want her around at all, especially since I've let it go on this long. I don't think it's fair that I should have to worry and feel uncomfortable but at the same time I did let it happen. I am a firm believer in not keeping up with ex's. I only have one and we don't talk at all. I just don't know quite what to do. Any suggestions?

*Miss Desi*

Listening to: "White Horse" Taylor Swift
Mood: Concerned

SunShiny Days

Tuesday, February 10, 2009 Edit This 0 Comments »
It was an absolutely GORGEOUS day today! I hated that I had to be inside for the vast majority of it with classes and everything. But I did manage to take a 3.5 mile walk after my American Literature class. So I didn't have to do my workout tape inside. Which was nice. I mean I enjoy my tape, but I was getting sick of doing the same routine over and over, though I've only been doing it for about a week...I get bored a little too easily!

Writing is coming along nicely, I am feeling really good about it. I am looking forward to posting Oscar's take on the "date night" by Friday at the latest. Originally I thought this was going to be Kaia's story, but as I have been developing it I am beginning to see that it is really Oscar's story. It is more about how he copes with everything. Kaia just shows us the idol that she thinks he is and Oscar attempts to be for her. I hope that makes sense.

Anyway, I am stoked for Valentine's Day. My plans for Cody are coming together beautifully and I can't wait to see his face when I surprise him with what I got for him! I'll explain more later, but I know he sometimes gets on here and reads so I don't want him to know what I am you babe!

*Miss Desi*

Listening to: "Want to" Sugarland
Mood: Content

Tears for Heaven

Monday, February 09, 2009 Edit This 0 Comments »
I had a good cry last night. It was wonderful. I had been holding it in for a while. And I am sure there will be plenty more tears to come as I begin to work through everything that is bottled up inside. I've also decided after talking with my mom that it might be a good idea to begin counseling again. Mostly for grief, but I am hoping it can help with some other things I am trying to deal with as well. Since when did life become so difficult to live?

I think that is really just the way it is. In any case, my cry gave me an excellent piece or two of inspiration for a couple of stories. I plan on updating my Writer's Block a little later in the week, if I get time to write, which I am really hoping for. I hate just storing things in my head...I tend to forget bits and pieces that could be really important or little scenes that really breathe life into the text. But we shall see what happens.

To me, this story idea is begging to be written, it wants to tear my heart out and the heart of those who read it. And I want to write it, I feel like I have to write it in order to hold on to something, in order keep the memory slices in tact, forever. I feel like this is the story I am supposed to write right now. And the other ones that want to be told seem fairly content with waiting in the wings for the time being.

*Miss Desi*

Listening to: "White Horse" Taylor Swift
Mood: Chill

The Most Beautiful Butterfly

Monday, January 26, 2009 Edit This 0 Comments »
As you have probably already guessed, a dark cloud has descended over my family and the Bell family. Our little ray of sunshine, our little butterfly, Karsyn Bell has spread her wings and flown home to heaven. In memoriam to her the family has asked everyone to wear pink or purple to the funeral on Wednesday. But I think that anyone who knew Karsyn or has heard about her from someone else should do the same. She was truly a special little girl and we are all truly blessed for the time we had with her. I love you Karsyn! You will always be the most beautiful butterfly I ever did see!

*Miss Desi*

Listening to: "She's a Butterfly" Martina McBride
Mood: Depressed

Karsyn Bell, the Butterfly at Saint Mary's Parish

Saturday, January 24, 2009 Edit This 0 Comments »
We lost Karsyn last night. She went quietly without any pain, just like we had prayed. She's God's angel now. She will be missed by all those who were touched in her short time on earth. Please pray for her and her family during this difficult time.

We love you Karsyn, you are our Butterfly.

*Miss Desi*

Listening to: "Divine Mercy Chaplet"
Mood: Mournful

Flutter by, Butterfly

If you ask her,
She will tell you, I am a butterfly.

She floats
Through the empty church pews.

Lands on
The oak prayer bench.

Her wings
Show the world her rainbow.

Flutter by, Butterfly

Touch the sky
Do not fly unsuspecting

Into the net
Of malignancy.

Like this child, spread your cheer
Everywhere your small, dusty wings fly. Flutter.


Note: for Karsyn Bell

New Blog

Friday, January 23, 2009 Edit This 0 Comments »
I am going home for the weekend! I am really excited. I have missed my dogs so much! Oh, and my family of course! Cody and I are planning on going ice skating tonight. I really like ice skating.

I do have a prayer request to put out here. Please pray for Karsyn and her family, she is doing ok right now, but we are still praying for her healing. I love that little girl, she gives me inspiration and hope. Not much else going at the moment, but I do have to get to work, so I am cutting this a little short. I will write more later.

*Miss Desi*

Listening to: "If Nobody Believed In You" Joe Nichols
Mood: Thoughtful